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Updated: 10 February, 2025
As week 3 ends, I can see something that has to be corrected in order to move forward and succeed. The efforts from the previous week to get traffic to the blog is starting to get a small toehold. But still, there\’s one thing missing…
I could certainly be much further along if I applied one thing: consistency. One thing that affects consistency is the hosting package you use. For far too long I tolerated a bad hosting company. And for what? Because I purchased lifetime hosting. Well, it\’s easy to see that the money I saved on monthly hosting payments I lost during the numerous downtime my sites experienced.
So back into the fray… This week\’s challenge consists of 3 task: 1.) get set up with an autoresponder, 2.) select a giveaway offer, and 3.) put an opt-in offer in the sidebar.
For task 1, the autoresponder, I\’ve decided to go with Rapid Mailer. I\’ve had an aWeber account for the past few years and they certainly are one of the best out there. So why change now?
In the past few weeks aWeber, GetResponse, and a few others have experienced DDOS attacks that actually prevented many marketers emails from going out, essentially bringing their email marketing to a screeching halt. With Rapid Mailer I\’m able to switch to Amazon SES, SendGrid, or several others very quickly and keep the emails going.
Another benefit is sending pricing. Can you believe it? $1 to send 10,000 emails? And where I pay a monthly few for aWeber whether I use it or not, with my current choices I only pay for what I actually use. So with the autoresponder set up and in place, the last two task is done and ready to go.
What about you? Which autoresponder did you go with and why? What questions can I answer for you on my choices?
Leave them in the comments or feedback if you like and I\’ll get back in touch. Best success!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click and purchase through these links I will receive an affiliate commission.
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Reg Ervin