The 10K Challenge Review – Why It Changed My Online Business

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The 10K Challenge Review is for those individuals who have all but given their lives to building their online business. It for people who are spending 8, 9, 12 hours a day working to get their product or service before the browsing public. Wasn\’t the goal to build an online business and fire your boss and work at your leisure and only when you wanted? When did it become this all-consuming venture that sucks up time like a vacuum?

Why I Accepted The Challenge

Like many of you, I didn\’t take or look into the challenge right away. I wasn\’t one of those people who went to Google or Bing and put in \’The 10K Challenge Review\’ to see if anyone was talking about it. But I did notice that in my surfing, particularly the traffic exchanges and safelists, its banners came into constant rotation. For me, that was a clue. I signed up but didn\’t do anything for several weeks — including looking at what it even was.

Why I\’m Writing The 10K Challenge Review

I\’m writing the review because once I looked at this program I was actually blown away. Yeah, yeah a lot of people say that (to get you to part with your money) but for me, this was the first time I actually felt that from one of these programs. Upon closer examination, here\’s what I found:

  • It would save me time – As I stated early on, these things can take on a life of their own and then take over your life. I was that person. For a period I would get up at 5:00 a.m. to \’surf\’ for credits until 7:00 a.m. Then go off to work to come home and do it some more after an 8 hour day. But the 10K Challenge showed me how to do that in as little as 35 minutes.
  • It would help get me organized – Part of my business is online and the other part is offline. There were days when I didn\’t know whether I was coming or going. The 10K Challenge provides a daily action plan or checklist for you to work with. You know exactly what you need to do to be productive for that day.
  • It brings freedom – Once I saw the first two points, I went crazy! I actually did the first six days assignments in a 24 hour period. It was so easy! No more long hours hoping I\’m accomplishing something. Now I had clarity. I can take those 35 minutes (although I actually allocate an hour) and take care of my online business and use my time to pursue my other goals.
  • It has multiple streams of income. – By providing tools that are needed to build an online business, you build your business.

The 10K Challenge Review – My Summary

So there you have it. This review is the world according to yours truly. BTW: you get what you pay for here — ;o)?The program fills a need that I had, and perhaps you can identify with some of the points yourself. The 10K Challenge is a well thought out program that can save you tons of time and make you the amount of money you feel you need.

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Reg Ervin

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