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This Is My Personal Review of the Hype Sprout Software
Have you tried Hype Sprout yet?
If not, perhaps it\’s time you did.
Hype Sprout is a cloud-based software that helps you generate leads via your social media accounts by encouraging your followers to share your content.
When your content is shared, you are getting the best type of lead generation because it is done by people that can provide you with word of mouth referrals. These referrals have the highest credibility for the come from those who know you. In fact, this software is what it means to implement referral marketing.
At this point, I have only recently started using the software. Part of the sales video says that you can set up a campaign in as little as 10 minutes and that\’s true…once you\’ve become acquainted with the software.
One of the helpful features is the 10 templates that are built in for creating your own pages.
Once you\’ve created your page, you can publish the link to your social accounts and wait for your social friends to help spread your link.
Offer rewards
One way to jumpstart the process is to offer a reward of value. It can be a video, a free report or even a piece of software to reward your followers for sharing your link. You can also use the software to create giveaways, or contests to encourage sharing.
If you\’re ready to build your business the same way Dropbox, Uber, and PayPal did using referral marketing, then HypeSprout could help.
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Reg Ervin