Affiliate Marketing Lessons For 2019

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Whew! It has truly been a long journey… It seems like it has taken forever to get to this point. The point where it\’ll all pay off. The point where I finally feel the pieces are in place and the lessons for success have been learned. So what have I learned over the past few years…?

The Lessons I\’ve Learned

  1. Shut-off most of the voices. One of the biggest hindrances to success is listening to too many \’voices\’ aka as marketing vendors. They are all doing what it is you\’re looking to achieve and that\’s making money online. There will be no shortage of vendors promoting product after product to you, telling you you need this or that solution. But really all you need to listen to is the one voice (or sometimes 2 or 3 for different skills.) that will help you overcome a sticking point in your business.
  2. Stop buying product after product. When you\’re buying product after product, chances are you not taking full action on any of them. Choose the products wisely based on your needs, not what you\’re being sold on. The goal is to make money not spend it to support someone else business.
  3. It\’s okay to fail. When you do meet with failure, learn the lesson from it and keep going. So long as you don\’t quit, you can succeed. What it finally boils down to is persistence and focus.


I put these lessons into action in this way:

  1. I have unsubscribed from all but a handful of vendor emails. After spending too much money on sometimes worthless products, I only have relationships with vendors that have proven over time, to be honest, having integrity and producers of quality software.
  2. I now buy only the products that I have a real need for. These are products that truly solve a problem that I have, not one that is suggested to me through marketing messages. In many cases, the product not only solves my problem but when the vendor allows, I become an affiliate or in some cases, a vendor of the product myself.
  3. I refused to give up! Believe me, there have been many times of the years that I wanted to give in and give up, but my desire for making an online living won out. There have been times when I pursued other projects, but each time, I\’ve come back after learning another lesson.

Affiliate marketing is one aspect of Internet marketing that requires many skill sets. There\’s copywriting, sales page design, email marketing, traffic generation, etc. that go into it. But despite that, I keep moving forward and will succeed or learn more lessons in 2019.

How about you? What\’s your plan for the new year?


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Reg Ervin

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