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Here’s My Review of WP GDPR Fix For GDPR Compliance
If you have a website, particularly a WordPress site, then you are probably like me, wondering what the new GDPR regulations mean for you. As the implementation date approaches, I was wondering what I needed to do to get ready.
I was glad when I heard about WP GDPR Fix!
It doesn’t get any easier than this…
I purchased the plugin and installed it on my own site. I\’ve got to say, the entire process was easy to do.

What I really liked about it was its simplicity for what could be a challenging subject.
The 7 compliance areas…
Adding the ‘cookie’ notification, acceptance info for Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy was straightforward. One thing I really appreciated about these features is you can set them to display only to EU customers if that is your preference.
Another nice touch is having default text for several of the sections. Please note that throughout the setup, you are reminded that these defaults may not be enough to bring you into compliance depending on your business structure. It should go without saying that consulting with an attorney may be necessary to be absolutely sure.
Other features include ‘Right to be Forgotten’ which has been a big deal in the EU in the past couple of years. This is when a person requests you to remove them from your system. The tools available make doing this easy and straightforward.

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Reg Ervin