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It\’s Called \’Life\’
The past week has not been a picnic. There\’s this thing called life that we\’re all living and the fact of the matter is, it\’s not always fun. There are things that come up that throw us for loops and can really be a challenge to overcome. I\’ve had such a week.
The Impact
Internet marketing is a challenge all it\’s own; it doesn\’t need any outside help to throw you. But I think it\’s something that gets in your blood as well. As I was telling someone earlier in the week, \’I must be too dumb to quit\’. But that\’s not a bad thing I hope. When challenges come up (and they will), that\’s when you find out how bad you want it.
The week\’s challenges have had me at times thinking, \’what\’s the use? After all this time you\’ve still haven\’t made any real money, so how long are you going to keep kidding yourself?\’ At those times though I think back to Napoleon Hill\’s book \’Think And Grow Rich\’ and remember the section on \’3 feet from gold\’. It would be so easy to quit, but then what? Spend the rest of my life working for someone else? letting them put the value on my time? NO! I\’ve got to do this!
So Where Am I?
It\’s time to move to step 3 – $100. I did manage to make $17 this week (which is 17 more than I had). Frustrated? You bet but I\’ve got to work through this.
The giveaway that I signed up for last week was a bust; not even 1 sign up. In fact, the giveaway account got suspended and I couldn\’t sign in to check my progress. After that, I stopped sending traffic so that opp is gone.
There\’s a new starting tomorrow ( and I\’m going to give it another go.
In my offline activity, I failed to generate any interest in a discount I offered on a five-page mobile site, so I\’ve got to figure out a better way to promote them.
For now, I\’ll just fail forward and upward. What about you? How did your week go?
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Reg Ervin